1162 - hours Outside 🌳
🧚🏻 Magically I hit the 1000 hour mark in October on Friday the 13th ✨ONE thousand hours outside!! Ironically I completed this in Red River Gorge, one of my favorite outdoor spaces. 🏕️ I stumbled across this campaign a couple of years ago as my daughter was exploring the opportunity with her children. I decided to set myself a goal in 2023.
As of December 31st I have docked 1162 hours💥 Going out with a bang ‼️

Click the two links below to find more information and utilize the #1000hoursoutside tracking app.
The ideology behind these hours set me in a real creative mode surrounding being outside more often. Even in times of inclement weather, I had the opportunity to utilize my covered front porch winter, spring summer or fall.
Take a look at other ways to motivate yourself and explore Nature. We all know the mental benefits of being outside. Maybe you learn something about yourself in the journey.
• Mowing grass
• Working in flower bed
• Nap in a hammock
• Reading in a lawn chair
• Eating a meal outside
• Fishing
• Hike/Walk
• Camping
• Paddling
• Yoga
• Even scrolling on phone
• Cycling
👉🏾You bet your sweet petunia I counted the hours sleeping in a tent ⛺️ this season as well.

Let’s plan some outdoor activities. Click the chat button on my website. Shoot me a message. simplyfitness1@yahoo.com

- Move that body,